In Dallas. The cause was a leak in San Francisco, which appearently keeps planes from taking off punctually. People watching. Music. Airport. 10 o'clock shadow. Waiting. It's still leaking in San Francisco, and now it's sprouted one here as well.
I leave tomorrow for a trip down to Chile. It's going to be a part work/part fun trip... tromping through the mountains in search of great pictures and big fish. Normally I would be looking forward to something like this months in advance, but this time there have been so many distractions prior to my departure, I've hardly had time to think about what lies ahead. Jasmine won't be on this trip, which invariably means it won't be quite as fun, but none the less, the excitement is beginning to set in. I snapped this shot on a different fishing trip I was on... Milt is a happy guy. So am I. Enjoy.
A couple weekends back now, a bunch of old friends got together at a little place we like to call The Ranch. What went on there for two days and two nights nobody knows. In the end there was only the Pinzgauer, half a bottle of cheap booze, and Governor. This is the only proof that it ever happened.
On another note... not sure what happened with the pictures below, but we'll try and get those back up. As well... Coming Soon: Travels in Chile. Stay tuned.
What is it about film that is so great? There are many who still swear by it, throwing digital to the side in the face of technology. It is inspiring... and I think it goes deeper than just the tonalities being richer. It is the unknown, the anticipation that progressively builds through the process, culminating to the final point when you're pulling your film from the fix, or walking through the photo lab door. FIlm is snapping the shutter and not being able to consult your LCD screen. Film doesn't have a histogram. Polaroids? Ha. There's a little thing called time clawing at your back door. More than likely that one precious moment when everything in the world stops for you is fast approaching. Your hands are fumbling the roll of film as you load it half botched in your film back and quickly wind to the first frame. You're dropping f-bombs. The world is coming to an end. You pull the trigger...