Sunday, February 3, 2008

Final Impression

I'm on my final day here in Chile, ready to head home and sleep in my own bed, beat a nasty case of food poisoning, and not live out of my suitcase for a bit.

While I was here working, I was talking to a fishing guide about the lasting impressions that most clients get while on their fishing trip. He said that despite the fact that the vast majority of his clients catch big fish, and a lot of 'em, they always seem to remember the final day. Now, in certain cases, the last day might not be the best, as the guides like to push their clients into more challenging waters in hopes of improvement (sometimes the fishing just plain sucks tho)... fishing up to their highest potential, shall we say. It is this last day that they take home with them, and lock away in their memory banks, only to forget their prior, more successful days. It's interesting how we tend to all do that in various situations. That no matter what happens at the begining of a journey, we all tend to remember the end the most. Why that is, I sure as hell don't know. But I can tell you this: When I go home, I want to remember anything about feeling the way I do right now. Yuck.

Here I am in the Patagonia, working outside of the box and without Jasmine : ( ... a rare occurance!

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