Ah yes, home sweet home. Did everyone miss their dose of "Narcissistic Blog About Absolutely Nothing" while we were gone? ::eyes rolling in a condescending manner:: I can see you doing that, by the way...
In any event, our super sweet journey was super sweet. Saw some monkeys, did ssssssstuff, snapped a pic or two. Standard sweet stuff. Sweeeeeet. Sssstuff.
Bummer is, we came home, and my monitor started flickering like an old neon light in an adult bookstore. I took her down to Apple and kissed her goodbye for 7-10 working days, and now here I stay with my little laptop, without new pictures, without sweet songs in my itunes, with only internet. Like I fucking want internet.
It's time to grapple with Apple.
Like you were all really awaiting the next installment of NBAN anyway (you can call it BAN for short... I mean, hey, express yourself). Well, it'll be here. In the meantime we are trying to get stuff together on Jasmine's computer for our At Edge webpage. Who woulda thought... us, At Edge (click on narcissistic link to a place where we do not yet exist,
At Edge).
Somebody give me a life.